The Power of Podcasting Your Events

The Power of Podcasting Your Events

Gone are the days when traditional marketing methods were sufficient to engage and inform attendees about your events. In this era, where information flows freely and attention spans are shorter than ever, harnessing innovative strategies is crucial. One such strategy...
10 Ways to Get Conference Attendees Out of Their Comfort Zones

10 Ways to Get Conference Attendees Out of Their Comfort Zones

Conferences can have a bad reputation for being long and boring. But, they were originally created for attendees to learn about an industry while making meaningful bonds with colleagues along the way. How can conferences remedy the bum rap they’ve earned after years...
Strategies to Launch a Successful Conference Sponsorship Program

Strategies to Launch a Successful Conference Sponsorship Program

A successful conference sponsorship program can be hugely beneficial to both the sponsor and your event. Sponsor dollars help with your event bottom line while the event can give sponsors an innovative way to engage with highly targeted attendees.   In fact, many...
Event Food Trends to Salivate Over

Event Food Trends to Salivate Over

Who says that event food trends have to be boring? When you are delivering an event experience to your top clients, you want everything to be perfect, and that includes food and beverages. The good news is that you can safely pass on the boring buffets and make way...